We put on our best Jo-Bro T’s (supplied by the one and only Lisa Hiser), and hit the town for a show unlike any other. Dana and I were acting like total lunatics, per the usual. We didn’t sit down during the entire show, and I’m pretty sure I punched the girl next to me approximately every 5 seconds, but since we were all in it to win it and have a good time, she didn’t even seem to care.
And, in all honesty (I’m REALLY not just saying this), I was truly impressed by the brothers de Jonas and their sincere generosity. From what I hear, almost their entire band has been with them since day 1, and that NEVER happens. Also, the guys gave their band members the chance to perform solo-style. I’ve literally never seen that happen, or at least not in this capacity. This seemed to be a good testament to who they are as people, or so I’m choosing to believe
I’m pretty sure I lost a substantial amount of ability to hear properly, but, regardless, it was BLAST!