Just a quick disclaimer before I begin this post: Angelina Jolie is a ridiculously beautiful woman who dedicated a large chunk of her time to charity and making the world a better place. For these reasons an others, I give her major props! However, at last night’s 2012 Academy Awards, she turned a new leaf with her now-iconic “hand on hip, leg out of slit” pose-fest. Her out-of-the-norm pose was so blatant, that one couldn’t help but take notice. Part if you wants to make fun of her, but honestly, she looks kind of amazing…
My good friend Melissa Chataigne put it perfectly when she tweeted out saying this: Doing the Angelina… “Boom leg/hand on hip.” It’s the new “bend and snap” The only way to enter a room moving fwd. #ellewoods4ever
So could this Angelina pose be the new “bend and snap?” Take a look at the “boom leg/hand on hip” photos below and you be the judge!

Love seeing Lisa Hiser doing the boom leg/hand on hip WHILE SITTING!!!!

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on Monday, February 27th, 2012 at 8:54 am and is filed under Fashion, Nerding Out, Shenanigans, Uncategorized.
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