
Clevver Magazine on Shelves Nationwide TODAY!

I don’t post too often about work-related stuff on my blog, but this is an exception!!! Just when you thought print journalism was dying…IT’S NOT! In fact, I’ve been a huge magazine fan for my entire life and continue to subscribe to several different publications.

In perhaps the most fascinating turn of events of all time, Dana Ward, myself and our entirely awesome team at Clevver just announced the release of the first edition of a branded magazine, featuring, in this first issue, a focus on One Direction.

If you feel so inclined, and I hope you do, you can pick up a copy of the Clevver magazine pretty much anywhere magazines are sold (Walmart, Target, CVS, grocery stores, etc).

Plus, you’ll finally get details on how you can score a date with the guys of 1D, steal their hearts and hang out in their sweet casas (FYI: all of this info is covered, in great depth, in the magazine).


Comments: 2

2 Responses to “Clevver Magazine on Shelves Nationwide TODAY!”

  1. Chris says:

    OMG yes I saw that freakin awesome and exciting another step for you guys getting bigger and bigger. make me happy.. I would have buy it if only I can ship it any way to Europe :/
    Anyway Congrats You guys Rock

  2. Joslyn says:

    Thank you Chris! And we will ship you a copy:)

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