WHERE’S JOSLYN GAME PLAN: In each new place that I go, I will take a ‘Where’s Joslyn’ photo. I will always be wearing the exact same sunglasses and headband as pictured below, but I’ll purposely mix myself into a big crowd. THE FIRST PERSON to locate me in each different photo by #1: describing exactly where I am and who I’m standing next to AND #2: Also note where in the world I am, including the name of the particular place, I will send you a prize when I return! Keep an eye out on my twitter and facebook pages for news on this fun ‘Where’s Joslyn’ Extravaganza!!!! Here’s what I’ll be wearing! Will I see the Mona Lisa? Or the Taj Majal? Or neither? Hmmm….Take your guesses here, but the activities will kick off sometime this weekend!
24 2010 |
CONTEST: Move Over Waldo – It’s Time for ‘Where’s Joslyn!’
So some of you guys might already know that I’m heading out of town for a few weeks (many thanks to my pal Dana Ward for covering for me while I’m gone – you rock). I’m gonna have some fun and shoot some fun pics with the lovely and talented photographic genius that is Courtney Dellafiora. Since I’m going to miss y’all so much, I thought “gosh wouldn’t it be fun to keep people posted on my whereabouts, but in few ‘Where’s Waldo’ sorta way?” Yes, leave it me to do something slightly off. So, here’s what I’m going to do, and please play along if you want!
Comments: 8
8 Responses to “CONTEST: Move Over Waldo – It’s Time for ‘Where’s Joslyn!’”Leave a Reply |
Hahaha! LOVE IT! You crack me up. :o) This is gonna be fun!!!!!!!!!
is the contest going to be international?
Hahahha! LOVE IT!!!! OMG can’t wait!!
YEP! This is open to everyone!
This is sooo awesome!
It’s going to be so much fun
when does it startt?(:
This is such a sweet idea! I fully want to win each event! Soooo siked! yeww