Normally when I attend any sort of event, I’m working, which for the record, I LOVE, but occasionally it’s fun to live the civilian life and just attend an event as a guest. It was a huge honor to go attend ast night’s Drawing Hope Gala in LA and sit among so many inspiring men and women, including my friends from Team True Beauty. AnnaLynne McCord was one of the women presented with an award and I was really moved by her obvious and sincere passion for Somaly Mam. Shantel VanSanten also spoke at the event and about her speech, I think our mutual friend Meriam hit right on the head when she tweeted out, referring to Shantel as “mini-Oprah!”
I ran into some old friends and met some new friends too! The uber-talented and sweet Jasmine V performed and I even had a quick catch-up with Ariel Winter. An incredible night and an inspiring cause. Also, shout-out to the night’s host, Amy Paffrath – she rocked it, as usual!