This of course brings me to the point of my message…HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Now, I must admit, I’m not too huge on the February 14th holiday. However, I LOVE any excuse to celebrate, especially when it comes to those extra special people in our lives. In honor of this lovely holiday, I’ve decided to share a very, very, very silly video that I made with few friends last fall. We were traveling through Scotland and we pulled over on the side of a random country road. The most popular song at that moment, also just so happens to still be one of my favorite songs of all time – Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream.” Naturally, we decided to make a music video (doesn’t everyone do that?), and of course, to further the weirdness factor here, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to wear my fake bangs. Why? I have no clue. But I do think they look like a forehead toupee. Anyone agree? CLICK HERE!
So from moi to you: kisses, hugs and lot so love on Valentine’s Day! oxoxo
Here’s a still shot from our music video (btw, I use that term loosely here…).
Ahah I love the video,
I mean everyday is an oppurtinity for that and especially this one 
Very Much happy Valentines day to You…
Much Love, kisses and Hugs
Love To U my friend
you too Chris!!! oxoxox
hey joslyn
it was sweet happy valentines day buddy
may you will find your loved one i have her infront of me but she is not mine
thanks:) ox
Happy Single Awareness Day! Love you, Jos!
You have a great day too!