Yep guys, it’s NEVER too late to…LEARN NEW THINGS! For at least the past five to ten years, I’ve been absolutely dying to learn how to play tennis. For a variety of reasons, things just never panned out…until yesterday! You may find this incredibly shocking (okay, let’s face it, this is anything but shocking), but I’ve literally NEVER played on any sort of sports team. I’ve always been very active, and I like to pretend that I’m athletic, but truth be told, I have zero team or individual sports experience. I’ve even been known to refer to home runs at football games and confuse this super famous baseball player I worked with named
Randy Johnson with
Randy Jackson from American Idol…yes, I know, horrifying. (If you get the chance, take a look at just HOW DIFFERENT these two people look, and then you’ll understand just how hilarious this mistake was.)
So yesterday, I hit the court (like my sporty lingo?) with my new teacher, Coach Justin, to rally-it-up (more sporty lingo)! Most importantly, it was SO FUN, and according to Coach Justin, I didn’t completely suck, which is a lovely side bonus. I can’t wait to play more and I think that I, along with my fellow blogging pal from ThisIsFabulouslyRidiculous, have the makings of a killer twosome on the tennis court (or hopefully we just won’t get injured). Plus, hello, I’d be lying if I said about 40% of my interest in this sport didn’t come from all of the cute tennis outfits I want to buy…
Essentially, the lesson of the day/weekend/year: It’s NEVER too late to try something new! Who knows, you might end up becoming totally pro, or you might figure out you hate whatever it is you try, but either way, you will have given it a good college try (how cheesy was that…)! HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!
Here are some pics of Coach Justin, as well as my cohort from ThisIsFabulouslyRidiculous, and then there’s me…looking totally and completely ludicrous and loving every moment!
This entry was posted
on Sunday, May 29th, 2011 at 9:13 am and is filed under Shenanigans.
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That is so true! So many people say they want to do this or that, but they never try it because they think it’s “too late”. I can completely relate to this. I just finished my senior year of HS and this past fall I tried golf for the very first time. I thought it would be impossible because prior to this, I had NEVER played a sport before! It was super intimidating because all the other girls on the team had years of experience and were scary good. It turned out that I was naturally good at golf and now I am addicted to it! It’s a great lesson to learn! Haha love the pics btw
That’s awesome Emily!!!! I’ve never golfed either, unless miniature golf counts. Good for you lady! oxox
I need more blogging about that tennis ball basket/picker-upper thing…it looks awesome.
Good for you Jos, tennis is really fun, I’ve been known to knock a couple tennis balls around ever so often. I think you should try golf out, there are cute golf outfits for you to buy as well
Where are you taking lessons at?
totally agree.
SO fun! Someone else suggested golf to me too, but I’m still a bit hesitant – the only cool part seems to be driving the cart….haha
True that the cart is really fun to drive, sometimes I have a little too much fun
Let me know if you ever want to try golf, I’d take you to the driving range.