
My Wedding. Wait, Just Kidding!

This might be the weirdest posting you’ve ever read on my blog. In fact, this could be the weirdest thing you read, well, maybe ever. I should also warn you that you’re likely to say “awwwww” at least once whilst reading because it’s kinda super-sweet.

Last weekend, my sister and I participated in a fashion show our grandparent’s church, where I wore my grandma’s 61-year-old wedding dress and my sister wore a replica of one of her bridesmaid’s dresses. My grandparents have been married, as you’d guess, for 61 years (they tied the knot when they were 18 and fresh out of high school), and they are the most beautiful, hilarious, more in-love-than-ever couple alive. It was honor to be in the fashion show, and my grams’ dress is in absolutely flawless shape.

Here’s what my sister and I were not aware of when we committed to strutting our stuff down the aisle: at the end of the fashion show two couples renewed their vows and all of the models in the show (who FYI were women from the church) stood on stage, almost like bridemaids. Imagine it…15 women standing on a church stage all in bridal gowns while two couples renew their vows. It felt very sister wives-ish at the moment, but it was really sweet. As a bonus, my grandpa officiated the ceremony.

After all was said and done, my brother (who is obvi channeling Paul Bunyon these days), sister and I did what we do best and totally made a huge scene in public. I hope you find the photos a great combo of sweetness, creepiness, and straight-up funny.

In closing, I just want to thank my grams and gramps for letting us be part of this special, once in a lifetime event AND for being such a great example of what true, unconditional love looks like. I know how blessed I am to have grandparents period, but having a duo like these two is almost too good to be true.

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