My mom always says, “the family that stretches together is the family that stays together.”
Oh wait, hold on, just kidding. My mom has definitely never said that or anything remotely similar, but it leads me to my point.
Over the last several years, my mom has become fascinated and obsessed with taking photos of random strangers doing things she finds funny, interesting, or mysterious. For example, there was that stretch of time about five years ago when she must’ve taken hundreds of photos of men wearing capri pants. Then there was the time we managed to sneak a few shots of the lady in her neighborhood who walks her cat in a stroller on the regular. Oh, and lest we not forget, the crowning victory…that being the lady we spotted petting a large rat while sitting in the drivers seat of her car at a stop light one blissful afternoon.
So, imagine my delight when I came across a golden opportunity at one of the most famous tourist attractions in the entire world while trekking around Athens, Greece. Upon leaving the Acropolis, I stumbled upon a family just straight-up, no-holds-bar, getting their group stretch on. And guys, they were working it out for a while. Like a really, really long time.
Being the mature adult I am, I casually snapped a few photos, by forcing my sister and friend to pretend to pose nearby. I learned this from my sneaky mom. Just one of many lifelong lessons I’ve taken with me. And yes, I’m apparently that immature, but I prefer to think I appreciate the small things 🙂 Plus, in the grand scheme of horrifyingly embarrassing things my family did when I was a kid…this is child’s play!
The family that stretches together stays together…no hamstring pulls here people.
After wrapping up our time in Athens, we jetted to the nudity capitol of the world. Okay, not officially, but seriously, there were a lot of nakey-nakey people on the beach. Am I such an American to even notice?
Anyways, being that I just wrapped up a hard-hitting month-long investigation on the Speedo trend (you can view on ClevverTV), I was overjoyed to see the risky style live and in action all around me. Men of all ages and sizes rocked Speedos on the gorgeous beaches of Mykonos. I love how they all made each look “their own,” by adding a variety of accessories. Shoes really do make the outfit, even when one is donning a teeny-weenie Speedo (LOL see what I did there? Teeny-weenie…get it? I’m a child, I apologize).
Now, I ask you the question I asked countless celebs for my ClevverTV story: speedos…are they a yes or a no?
***I’d also like to note that I had mad respect for all of these individuals for rocking their own personal style!