One week ago today, my sister and I embarked on a crazy Big Bear Lake adventure with our 80-years-young Gramps. Not too long ago, he revealed to us that he’d ALWAYS wanted to go ziplining. My immeidate reaction was, what are we waiting for?!? FYI, in the last 5 years alone, my grandparents have gone dog-sledding in Alaska and went on a zodiac boat on the Nepali coast in Hawaii — basically, they’re living it up adventure-style. So, we waited for the snowy season to end and headed up the mountain at our first open availability. It was beyond fun, and honestly, it was ridiculously cool to go with my Grandpa. Of course my sister and I totally made a scene, cheering and screaming when he was the first one out of the three of us to volunteer to jump off a platform and fly through the trees. 9 ziplines later, we miraculously survived (probably because my Gramps was quoting Psalms 23 the whole time haha), and we had a blast!
Not gonna lie, there were moments that it was a bit scary. You literally have to jump off of a platform several stories into the air and trust that your harness will catch you. As you’ll see, we got pretty confident towards the end, even posing it up a bit.
Note to self: if there’s something you want to do, just do it. If it seems impossible, make it happen. There’s always a way! Also, never, under any circumstances, zipline in short shorts. Just trust me on this one.
Big thanks to Action Zipline in Big Bear. The staff could not have been friendlier and they were incredibly helpful and knowlegable…especially when we were literally flying into them at speeds beyond 40 miles an hour (true story).