Yes, I’m p always overly dramatic, but just trust when I say that if you’re adding one new show to your DVR commitment list this fall, it’s gotta be “This Is Us” on NBC. Why? Well, it’s basically Parenthood meets Grey’s Anatomy meets everything you loved about the 90’s all wrapped up into one beautiful gluten free vegan wrap you’ll love. Seriously, it’s THAT GOOD. And there’s a twist at the end that will make you break into fits of joy and tears, and for the record there are zero vampires, wolves, lizards or zombies (thank God).
Oh also, QUEEN Mandy Moore tweeted back to Erin during the party and we all died. RIP US.
I hosted a GNI last night to celebrate the premiere, ya know a GIRLS NIGHT IN full of cheese, wine, cupcakes, wine, gift bags, wine…you get the point. The dress code was VERY strict – pajamas or workout clothes ONLY.
Thanks to my loves at Preheels and Kate Somerville for making my gift-bags complete!
TUNE in every week to watch “This Is Us” on NBC at 10PM.